
- For those seeking consultation
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For those seeking consultation
- The Harassment Counseling Center (HCC) is established under the Harassment Prevention Systems of the University of Tokyo. The HCC is a university-wide office and does not belong to any specific department on campus.
- Please note that counselors at the HCC are NOT assigned the authority/function to officially investigate/determine/certify the occurrence and/or the criteria of harassment.
- Article 10 of the Rules and Regulations of the HCC articulates that all counseling sessions are strictly confidential. Without the client’s consent of information disclosure, counseling staff are obligated to protect any and all information obtained through sessions. Even under circumstances in which certain information must be released to others (See 4.below), clear and informed consent must be obtained from the client. Exceptions to confidentiality exist: When the client poses an imminent danger to themselves and/or to others, counseling staff are required to breach confidentiality in order to warn and protect persons in danger, and to report these situations to the responsible authorities.
- Please tell your counselor if you wish to maintain anonymity. If you consider seeking internal disciplinary or corrective actions using the University system, please note, that as a general rule, we will need your name, affiliation and any other information relevant to you.
- Please note that a client might not be assigned to the same counselor throughout the counseling process if multiple sessions are required. When you request ongoing assistance lasting 2 or more sessions, counseling staff may sometimes need to rotate the handling of your case. If you wish to change your counselor, we will discuss an alternative based on our resources and/or schedules.
- At the HCC, please note that your counseling process may be subject to termination if for any reason the continuation is deemed inappropriate or detrimental.
- Counselors at the HCC may offer information relevant to issues raised by the client. This does not indicate any specific preference for or endorsement of particular agencies/services or personal/political/social views of the HCC or its counselors. Please note that any decision regarding the usage of particular agency/service should be made solely by the client.
- Regardless of whether it is public or private, it is prohibited to distribute documents/materials provided by the HCC to third parties without permission, or to post/publish them on the Internet, such as on SNS, etc.
- Audio and/or video recording of counseling/consultation sessions is prohibited.
- The Harassment Counseling Center does not deal with any issue and/or claim that involves financial matters.
- Please fill out the Client Information Sheet provided; all sections are voluntary. We are highly aware of the importance and sensitivity of personal information provided by our clients. Following the University’s rules and procedures, we will carefully manage all personal information and utilize it strictly for operation, management and administration of our counseling and consultation duties ONLY. We will never share or disclose personal information without the client’s consent.
- As a general rule, the HCC will not return the submitted document(s) and/or supplementary material(s) to the client. The HCC will also not discard these document(s) and/or supplementary material(s) upon the client’s request. We are highly aware of the importance and sensitivity of personal information provided by our clients. Following the University’s rules and procedures, we will carefully manage all personal information and utilize it strictly for the operation, management and administration of our counseling and consultation duties ONLY.
- The HCC cannot accept gratuity or gifts of any kind (monetary or non-monetary), from clients or their related parties. Please understand that if a counselor accepts any such gifts, it is considered to be an ethical violation and as such is strictly prohibited. Please note that gifts sent by post will be returned.
- Please note that the HCC will start reporting the following annual data on its website from the 2023 Academic Year, and each academic year thereafter, to provide information about the Center's usage situation:
- The number of clients who used the HCC's counseling and consultation services
- Those clients' positions/statuses associated with the UTokyo (Student, Researcher, Staff,
Faculty, or Other)
Both of these data sets will statistically be processed and therefore each client will not be identified. Please rest assured that the HCC will not disclose any other information other than this data even when inquired.
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