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Notice of Change in HCC’s Operation System


Due to the circumstances at the Harassment Counseling Center, we will have the following operation system for the time being, from March 2025.
Please note that the days and hours of operation are different from those in the past.

◎ English consultations (in-person, online, by phone, or email) are
     unavailable for the time being.
◎ The Harassment Counseling Center's open days are as follows: 
   ・ Hongo Counseling Room: Open from Monday through Wednesday and Friday 
                                                   *Closed on Thursdays
 ・ Komaba Counseling Rooms: Open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 
 ・ Kashiwa Counseling Rooms: Open on Wednesdays and Fridays 
◎ Office hours are 10:00am-12:00pm, 2:00pm-5:00pm

We unable to make appointment immediately because of currently receiving
a large number of appointment request and inquiries.
We will also respond to your inquiries via the online form in the order they are
received. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused to those who were considering consulting us.
If there are any changes to our counseling system in the future,
we will update the Harassment Counseling Center website.